
Healthy Minds Survey

The Healthy Minds Network is one of the nation’s premier research organizations contributing to adolescent and young adult mental health. HMN is dedicated to improving the mental and emotional well-being of young people through innovative, multidisciplinary scholarship. For 15 years, the network has administered the Healthy Minds Study (HMS), an online survey study of students, available for implementation at all types of post-secondary institutions, including U.S. and international four-year colleges and universities as well as community colleges and technical schools.

Using validated measures, HMN’s survey research provides a detailed look at the prevalence of mental health outcomes, and knowledge and attitudes about mental health and service utilization. HMS emphasizes understanding help-seeking behavior, examining stigma, knowledge, and other potential barriers to mental health service utilization.

Survey Summary:

Additional Survey Information:

  • The survey covers four specific areas: knowledge and attitudes about mental health and services; substance use; eating and body image; and assault and abuse 
  • Time to complete the survey: 25-35 minutes 
  • Want to Learn More about Healthy Minds? Click here!

Cal Poly Health Assessment 

Cal Poly’s biannual Health Assessment (NCHA) is an opportunity for students to help improve the health and wellness programs they rely on throughout their academic journey at Cal Poly. Conducted every two years by the American College Health Association, and in partnership with Cal Poly, this voluntary and confidential online survey seeks feedback on students’ attitudes and experiences related to mental health, sexual health, exercise and nutrition, substance use, and more. Student feedback gathered from this survey will help Cal Poly shape future health and wellness programming and policies.

Survey Results:




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