Laboratory Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What tests are free to currently enrolled students?


  • CBCs (complete blood counts)
  • Urinalysis
  • Urine pregnancy tests
  • Mononucleosis testing
  • Syphilis testing
  • Skin scraping for fungal infections
  • Wet mounts to screen for yeast infections
  • Stool tests for evidenced of infection and occult blood.
  • Rapid Strep Screens 
  • Cultures - urine, throat, wounds and genital sites 


When will I know my results?

This depends on the lab tests ordered. This is determined by your provider. Most tests performed in our laboratory are completed the same day.

Who can give me my results?

Only a Medical Provider can give you your results. The Laboratory staff is NOT authorized to give you results.


Can I request someone to come with me when I need my blood drawn?

No, it's not safe for the student or their companion to allow visitors in the room during the blood draw. They may wait in the lobby.

What STI (Sexual Transmitted Infections) tests can I request?

In house testing (free to currently enrolled students, $10 for eligible non-enrolled students)

  • GC cultures (to isolate bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae)
  • Gram Stain (to identify presence of bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae)
  • R.P.R. (Syphilis) - Blood
  • Wet Mounts - Physiological fluids for microscopic analysis
  • Urinalysis - General screening for any infection (NOT SPECIFIC)
  • Urine Culture - Bacterial culture urine for growth of possible pathogen

Current contract pricing with our reference laboratory:
Lab Test Prices for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI)

Typically STI Screening tests can run up to $60; depends on what the student requests after appointment with Provider.

NOTE: HPV Testing for Males still has not received FDA approval


I need proof of immunity. How do I get these done?

You need to see a health care provider who will determine what tests you need. The following table will give you an idea of what they cost at our current contract prices with our reference laboratory.

Contract Pricing for Proof of Immunity Tests
Test Name Price

Can you bill my insurance?

: No. The cashier can give you a receipt you can send to your insurance company.


What are the costs of tests sent to the reference laboratory?

The most common panels ordered by our medical Providers are listed below.

  • Basic Metabolic Panel: $9.36
  • CMP: $11.69
  • Hepatic Function: $9.03
  • Lipid Panel: $13.88
  • Cal Poly Chemistry Panel $32.00
  • Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) $15


How long do I need to be fasting if instructed by my Provider?

Nothing to eat or drink* 12 to 14 hours for the Cal Poly Chemistry Panel and the Lipid Panel.

Nothing to eat or drink after midnight for Fasting glucose.

*It is OK to drink a little water in the morning of your test.


What do you require in order to process a lab order from my private doctor?

In order to process your lab order and comply with regulatory requirements, the following information MUST be on the lab order you bring to the laboratory:

The doctor’s lab order with appropriate ICD-9 codes or narrative, clearly defined tests requested to be performed, patient’s full name, date of birth, permanent address, and phone number, Doctor’s signature, Doctor’s name, address, office phone number and fax number.

If any of the above information is missing from your order, please contact your doctor and have the information faxed to Cal Poly Health Center Laboratory at (805) 756-5416 and Central Coast Pathology Laboratory at (805) 785-0432.

For additional details, click here.

How can I get a copy of my lab results?


You must fill out a Medical Release form provided online or available at the Health Center Reception desk.


How do I pay for charged lab tests?

All charges will be automatically charged to your student account. A registration hold may be placed on your account until charges are paid.

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