Mustangs for Recovery

Mustangs for Recovery

At Mustangs for Recovery, we honor recovery as a journey, not a destination. As a program of Campus Health & Wellbeing, we exist to offer a safe and sober-friendly environment for students in recovery, seeking recovery, or those affected by the addiction of a friend or family member. Our purpose is to offer alternatives, support, community, and events geared toward students in recovery. We offer meetings based in both abstinence-only and harm-reduction models.

Our Story



What we believe

Recovery is a process of the return to a state of health through the empowered reclamation of self.

The process of recovery is one of deep introspection and understanding of our own intrinsic power.  It is also personal and unique to each individual. We support students in helping to find and use their unique gifts to support their own recovery and advocate for each other.

Recovery is a continued and incremental process of learning, growth, and healing; not a destination.

Recovery is not just quitting a substance or behavior, it is a fundamental shift in how we live. It is a continued path toward healing and one that continues beyond our substance use. We seek out progress, not perfection.

Substance misuse happens for a variety of reasons and healing can happen in a variety of ways.

We recognize that for some people, access to support systems is difficult and that one path toward recovery is not possible in our varied lived realities and experiences. We support any path that helps students to achieve their goals for recovery.

Recovery is self-directed, inclusive of all identities, and specific to the humans it affects.

Our identities, experiences, communities, families of origin and much more influence how we seek, and find, recovery. We believe that people do not experience recovery as separate from ourselves, but as part of our unique experiences.

It is through this process that we are empowered to reach our full potential together.

Community is our primary goal at M4R. We believe that together we can achieve much more. We support and advocate for students in or seeking recovery, affected by someone else’s substance use, or as active allies to those in recovery—together and in community.

Recovery is an act of radical self-love.

Too often, recovery is approached as us taking something away from ourselves—depriving ourselves. We see recovery as an ultimate act of self-love and personal power.

Key Tenets


The desire to change your relationship with any mind-altering substances and to abstain from your identified addictions. We maintain spaces for traditional abstinence-only paths AND for harm-reduction.


Connection and building community are keys to our wellness and recovery. Whether that is through attending meetings, coming together with a group of students in or seeking recovery, opening yourself up to new discussions, or connecting in other ways; the building of community is integral to our wellness and recovery.


The World Health Organization defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Supporting your health may look a variety of ways including (but not limited to): physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social, and intellectual care.


Group Meetings 

Summer Meeting Schedule

  • Tuesday Night Tea Club (Zoom)  6 to 7 p.m. 

  • Wednesday Night Open Recovery Meeting (Zoom) 6 to 7 p.m. 

Text (805) 242-6869 or email for more information about joining the zoom meetings. 

To stay up to date with recovery meetings, social events, and all things M4R, make sure to follow the Mustangs for Recovery Instagram @calpolyrecovery. 

Individual Supports

M4R seeks to support students at every stage of their recovery. Whether you are at the beginning stages of your recovery journey or are maintaining long-term recovery, we offer peer and professional support to help you achieve and maintain your recovery process. Email to get added to our student Slack or seek out peer support.

Davis Henegar Memorial Scholarship

Applications are open on a rolling basis. Review occurs in week 8 of each quarter for award the following quarter. Awards made Fall-Spring. Email for more information.

Named in honor of Davis Henegar, a student at Cal Poly who fought tirelessly to reduce the stigma associated with substance misuse and offer a space for all students to seek and find recovery support. Thanks to the amazing generosity of the Henegar family and the innumerable people affected by Davis’s short but amazing life, Mustangs for Recovery is able to offer a grant for students in recovery, matriculating at Cal Poly. Funds are distributed quarterly and require that students who apply have a minimum of three months continued recovery from all identified substance addiction. Learn more about the grant application.

Davis Henegar Profile Picture


Overdose Prevention & Narcan Distribution

Fentanyl is increasingly being found in the illegal drug supply in everything from counterfeit pills to inclusion in Cocaine and even LSD. Narcan is a safe, possibly life-saving nasal spray that can reverse opioid overdose. 

Pop-up Distributions

Distributions are on Tuesdays, 2:30 - 4:30 p.m., on the Health Center Lawn (building 27). If you would like to be trained in opioid overdose prevention and to receive an Opioid Overdose Prevention Kit, please go to the booking page to schedule your training! 

Distribution to Clubs or Organizations

We can come to your organization’s meeting to do overdose prevention education and Narcan distribution to key members of your club community. Contact to schedule your training! 

What is in our Overdose Prevention Kit

  • Narcan (2-dose pack)
  • Fentanyl Test Strip and instructions
  • Other harm-reduction ideas
  • One-way valve, disposable Rescue Breathing mask
  • Narcan information
  • Mustangs for Recovery information
  • Never Use Alone card

Community & Mail Order Distribution

Go to and take the online training and have the Narcan shipped to your door. 

For more immediate access, visit SLO Syringe Exchange program pop-ups throughout the county:

  • Monday 2:00pm - 4:00pm -- Morro Bay 760 Main St. (Public Health Building, across from park)
  • Tuesday 4:30pm - 5:30pm -- Paso Robles Echo Shelter 1134 Black Oak Dr. (Former Motel 6, outreach)
  • Wednesday 5:30pm - 8:15pm -- 2191 Johnson Ave Public Health Department (Around Back, Inside)
  • Sunday 4:00pm - 6:00pm -- Echo Homeless Shelter 63070 Atascadero Ave (outreach)

Join Us 

Mustangs for Recovery is a collegiate recovery community started by students, for students. We are always looking for students who are in recovery or allies to be a part of helping us reach as many students as we can! If you are passionate about recovery and want to be a part of a community of like-minded peers, join us! Email recovery@calpoly.edufor more information. 

Community and National Meetings


Substance Addiction

Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings - Virtual and in-person meetings in the SLO area. 

Online Intergroup of Alcoholics Anonymous  - Virtual meeting finder for meetings nationwide. 

Al-Anon Family Groups - Virtual support to family and friends of those with substance use issues.  

Central Coast Area Narcotics Anonymous - Virtual and in-person meeting finder. Includes literature and other resources for those who wish to pursue and maintain a drug-free lifestyle.

Cocaine Anonymous - Virtual and in-person meeting finder. Includes literature and other resources about cocaine addiction.

Marijuana Anonymous - Virtual and in-person meeting finder. Includes literature and other resources about marijuana addiction.


Behavioral Addiction

Center for Discovery - Free online support groups for anyone who has been impacted by an eating disorder or mental health. 

Gamblers Anonymous - Fellowship centered around those with a desire to stop gambling.  

Overeaters Anonymous - Fellowship centered around those with unhealthy relationships with food and body image. 

Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous  - Fellowship centered around those with a desire to stop living out a pattern of sex and love addiction. 

Sex and Porn Addicts Anonymous - Fellowship centered around those recovering from addiction to sex and porn in all its manifestations.  


Identity Specific Recovery

Gay and Sober - LGBTQ+ meeting finder and other Queer-specific resources.  

Recovery Dharma - BIPOC Specific. Non-theistic, based in Buddhist practice fellowship meetings specifically for BIPOC

She Recovers - Online support, meetings, and community for women in or seeking recovery. 

White Bison - Culturally-based healing to Indigenous People. Non-profit group that works to promote sobriety, wellness, and overall recovery. 


Alternative Recovery Paths

In The Rooms Global Recovery Community - Online recovery meetings and support including 12-step, non-12-step, wellness, and mental health modalities. 

LifeRing Secular Recovery - Virtual meeting finder. 

Recovery Dharma - Non-theistic recovery based in Buddhist practices. 

Self-Management and Recovery Training (SMART) Recovery. - Mutual-support groups, forums, chat rooms, and comprehensive meeting list. 

Unity Recovery + WEconnect + SOS Recovery + Alano Club - Daily virtual meetings supporting all paths to recovery. 



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