Date Rape Drugs

date-rape-1Protect Yourself

Here are some tactics to use to avoid getting involved in a dangerous sexual situation:

Avoid drinking too much. Alcohol impairs your ability to make smart choices.

Talk to your date beforehand to make sure you are on the same page about where the night is going.

Don't go back to someone's room or leave a party with someone you don't know well.

Trust your gut. If you feel at all uncomfortable, get out of the situation.

When going on a date with someone new, make sure to tell a friend what your plans are so that someone knows where you will be.

Take a self defense class. That way, you will know what to do if things get too physical.


Date Rape Drugs: What You Need to Know

Date Rape DrugsYou've heard about them on the news - young women being sexually assaulted after drugs have been slipped into their drinks. What exactly are "Roofies" and GHB? And how can you protect yourself?

What are they?

Rohypnol, known on the street as "Roofies," and Gamma hydroxy butyric acid, known as GHB or liquid ecstasy, are depressants that can cause dizziness, disorientation, loss of inhibitions, memory blackouts, and loss of consciousness when mixed with alcohol. Both are odorless, colorless, and tasteless, so you may not even realize it if someone slips one of these substances into your drink. Because they may cause you to pass out, ingesting them may put you at risk for sexual assault.

How can you protect yourself?

  • Don't put your drink down. If your drink is out of sight, even for a few minutes, don't finish it. Get yourself a new one.
  • Don't accept an open drink from anyone. If you order a drink in a bar, make sure you watch the bartender open the bottle or mix your drink.
  • Avoid punch bowls. With Roofies and GHB in circulation, you can't be sure what's in the punch, so think twice before you partake.
  • Make a pact with your friends to watch out for each other, and spread the word about these "date rape drugs" to everyone you know.

Rapists have a new weapon. Dosing drinks with date rape drugs like Roofies and GHB can take away your ability to fight back and your memory of what was done to you. When these drugs are mixed with alcohol, the results can be lethal.

Date Rape DrugsIf you think you may have been given Roofies or GHB, immediately go to the emergency room and ask for a urine screening test. Though traces of the drug may still appear up to 72 hours after ingestion (depending on dosage, and individual metabolism) the chances of getting proof are best when the sample is obtained quickly. Therefore, in the event that you are sexually assaulted after you were unknowingly given one of these drugs, the results of this test could provide incriminating evidence against your attacker.


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