
Phone: (805) 756-1211
Fax:     (805) 756-5298

8:30 AM - 4:30 PM | M-F
Building 27


Medical Services

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After-Hours Care and Local Hospitals

As a general rule, you should seek care after regular Health Center hours in case of a medical emergency or when your medical condition appears to need attention immediately. If your medical condition is worsening quickly or if you are unable to do key activities to provide for yourself, then you should seek care from a community provider.

Call toll free 1-866-439-2012 to speak with an after-hours advice nurse. For more details, visit Nurse Line Service.

If your medical condition is worsening or is serious enough to interfere with your ability to perform your needed activities, then you may want to use an Urgent Care facility. Common problems would include high fever that does not respond to Tylenol, ongoing vomiting or diarrhea, moderate athletic injuries. For non-emergency after-hours care, urgent care facilities can be substantially less expensive to use than an emergency room. If you have an HMO, be sure to call for pre-approval. If you have a Preferred Provider Organization plan, check to see which facility is on your list of preferred providers.


Family & Industrial Medical Center

Image of map to Family & Industrial Medical Center

Family & Industrial Medical Center

47 Santa Rosa St., San Luis Obispo


  • From Health Center, go to Foothill Blvd.
  • Continue past railroad tracks to Santa Rosa St.
  • Left on Santa Rosa
  • On the right, corner of Meinecke Ave.

Med Stop and Cottage Urgent Care Centers

Image of map to Med Stop Urgent Care

Med Stop Urgent Care

283 Madonna Rd, #B, San Luis Obispo


  • From Grand Ave, merge onto Hwy 101, South bound
  • Take Madonna Road/CA-227 exit
  • Left turn onto Madonna Rd
  • Shopping Center on left.Merge to left lane, turn at first left into Shopping Center.
  • Med Stop is next to See’s Candies.


Cottage Urgent Care

Foothill Plaza

777 Foothill Blvd

Foothill Plaza

San Luis Obispo, CA 93405






Cottage Urgent Care

Marigold Center

3970 Broad St. Suite 2

San Luis Obispo, CA 93401




A medical emergency is a medical condition that is an immediate threat to your life or long-term health. Generally, if your medical condition can wait until the next day for assessment or treatment, it is not a medical emergency. If you, or someone you know, is experiencing a medical emergency, call 911 (blue phone on campus) or go immediately to the nearest emergency department.

The following are the 24-hour emergency rooms in San Luis Obispo.


Sierra Vista Regional Medical Center

Image of map to Sierra Vista Regional Medical Center

Sierra Vista Regional Medical Center
1010 Murray Ave, San Luis Obispo

• On Foot: From Foothill Blvd.,
walk south on Casa St.
• Within 50 yards, turn right at
side street. Parking structure
on right, Emergency Dept is
seen on left at end of short

French Hospital

Image of map to French Hospital

French Hospital
1911 Johnson Ave, San Luis Obispo

  • From Grand Ave, go south on Monterey St
    Left turn onto California Blvd.
  • Right turn onto San Luis Drive
    Left turn onto Johnson Ave
  • Stoplight at Lizzie St, turn right, follow signs to ED.

All types of insurance cover the treatment of medical emergencies in this community. However, some insurers, particularly health maintenance organizations (HMOs), will not pay for non-emergency care provided in an emergency room.  

We strongly recommend students to be covered by an insurance plan. In a recent survey conducted by the Student Health Advisory Council, less than half of students indicated they knew how to use their insurance in an emergency. Trying to find this information when you need, it can be very difficult.  Please have a copy of your health insurance ID card with you at all times and know how to use it.

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