
Phone: (805) 756-1211
Fax:     (805) 756-5298

8:30 AM - 4:30 PM | M-F
Building 27


Medical Services

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Access to Health Services

Per Executive Order 943, Health Services will provide general medical care to all matriculated students who have paid the appropriate mandatory Health Services Fee. 

Currently Enrolled Students

One who is enrolled in the current quarter. No additional visit fee or in-house lab charges apply. Students will be responsible for outside lab fee(s), prescriptions, and Specialty Clinic Fees.

Continuing Student

Continuing students (enrolled the previous quarter, not enrolled for the current quarter but plan to be enrolled for the next quarter) may be seen, subject to fee-for-service charges.

Graduated/Non-Returning Student

Graduated/non-returning students may be seen for one courtesy visit after graduation, including lab testing, X-rays and pharmacy services. The purpose of this visit is to resolve a concern discussed in a previous visit and to issue an appropriate referral. The visit and additional services are subject to fee-for-service charges.

Participants of campus-sponsored programs

Participants of campus-sponsored programs (i.e. Extended Education, Quarter Plus) are eligible for health services, if the Health Services Fee was charged that quarter. Students cannot choose to pay this fee if the fee is not automatically applied to their student account.

Students from other CSU campuses

Students eligible for basic services at one CSU campus shall be eligible for basic services provided by other CSU campuses. Basic services are office visit, immunizations, lab testing, X-rays, pharmacy services and others as stipulated in Executive Order 943. Some fees for service may apply.


Visitors will be seen for emergency first aid only (one-time treatment that does not require a physician, laboratory, X-ray, or pharmacy services).


Can be treated for emergency first aid only for work-related injuries. Emergency first aid is defined as one-time treatment that typically does not require a physician, laboratory, X-ray, or pharmacy services. Please refer to the Workman’s Compensation website.

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