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Cal Poly is committed to supporting the health and wellness of our students, campus, and community.

The immunization requirements and tuberculosis screening reflect recommendations by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), California Department of Public Health (CDPH), and the American College Health Association (ACHA).

New enrollees ages 18 and younger are required to provide proof of Hepatitis B immunization per Executive Order 803 and California law (HSC sections 120390-120390-7).

Per university policy, additional immunization requirements and tuberculosis (TB) risk assessment are required for:

  • Students living in campus housing

  • Participating in intercollegiate athletics

  • Traveling internationally 

If you are not participating in any of the above items, we highly recommend you still complete the recommended immunizations to help keep our campus community safe.

These requirements can be satisfied by providing immunization records or titers (proof of immunity to disease).  A student may file an exemption from any immunization requirement by completing a Medical Exemption Form or Religious Waiver.

For students who plan to complete immunizations, we encourage you to start this process early as some immunizations require a series of doses. Please refer to the immunization and screening requirement sections below for additional information.

Immunization Requirement

If you are age 18 and younger, Hepatitis B immunization is required.** 

Per university policy, if you are living in campus housing, participating in intercollegiate athletics, or traveling internationally, 5 additional immunizations are required (see below).*

Please discuss details with your medical provider and complete any outstanding immunizations or titers as soon as possible. Submit immunization records through the Health and Counseling Portal using the document upload tab. All medical record submissions need to include the patient's full name and date of birth, and name of licensed medical facility or provider.  

Measles, Mumps & Rubella (MMR)*

You may satisfy the Measles, Mumps & Rubella (MMR) requirement in either of the following ways:

By vaccine:

  • Two doses of the MMR vaccine (or two doses each of the separate vaccines for measles, mumps, and rubella).
  • Doses must meet the following age/interval requirements:
    • First dose must be on or after your 1st birthday
    • Second dose must be at least 28 days after the first dose
  • If you only have one dose that meets the age/interval requirements, you still need to get an additional dose.
  • Note: since MMR is a live vaccine, it can be contraindicated in certain conditions (including if you are pregnant). 

By titer: 

A titer is a blood test checking for antibodies. If you actually had measles, mumps and/or rubella, or cannot find records for your past doses of the vaccines, you may want to consider a titer.

  • One blood titer each for measles, mumps, and rubella showing evidence of immunity to each.
  • If your titer results do not show evidence of immunity, you will still be required to get any outstanding doses of the vaccine(s) as indicated above.
  • Note: when reporting your titer results, remember that "positive" means "positive for immunity" and "negative" means "negative for immunity."

Varicella (Chickenpox)*

You may satisfy the varicella requirement in either of the following ways:

By vaccine:

  • Two doses of the varicella vaccine.
  • Doses must meet the following age/interval requirements:
    • First dose must be on or after your 1st birthday
    • Second dose must be at least 28 days after the first dose
  • If you only have one dose that meets the age/interval requirements, you still need to get an additional dose.
  • Note: since varicella is a live vaccine, it can be contraindicated in certain conditions (including if you are pregnant). 

By titer:

A titer is a blood test checking for antibodies. If you actually had chickenpox or cannot find records for your past doses of the vaccines, you may want to consider a titer.

  • Blood titer for varicella showing that you have immunity.
  • Not everyone who has chickenpox or shingles necessarily develops varicella immunity, so a blood titer to prove that you are "positive" for immunity is required. A doctor's note stating that you had chickenpox or shingles is not sufficient.
  • If your titer results do not show evidence of immunity, you will still be required to get any outstanding doses of the vaccine(s) as indicated above.
  • Note: when reporting your titer results, remember that "positive" means "positive for immunity" and "negative" means "negative for immunity."

Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis (Tdap)*

You must satisfy the tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (Tdap) requirement by vaccine:

  • A booster of TDaP is required within 10 years of your first day attending Cal Poly.

Meningococcal Conjugate*

You may satisfy the meningococcal conjugate requirement in either of the following ways:

By vaccine:

  • One (1) dose on or after age 16 for all students and age 21 or younger.
  • Common brand names include Menactra (Men ACWY-D) and Menveo (Men ACWY-CRM) in the United States, and Nimenrix (Men ACWY-CRM) in parts of Western Europe.
  • Men B and Bexsero DO NOT fulfill this requirement, nor do MCV4 vaccines received before your 16th birthday; if you only have these vaccines, you will still be required to get an MCV4 vaccine.
  • While we strongly prefer the MCV4 vaccine, we will accept the MPSV4 vaccine as long as age and documentation requirements are met.
  • Note: There are two types of meningococcal vaccines for serogroups A, C, W, and Y available in the United States: polysaccharide and conjugate vaccines. Neither type of vaccine contains live meningococcal bacteria.

By exemption based on age:

  • If you are not yet 16 years old on the first day of class, you are exempt for the time being from this requirement. Once you turn 16, you will need to comply with this requirement.
  • If you are already 22 years old on the first day of class, you are exempt from this requirement. If you turn 22 years old after the formal deadline, you are still required to get this vaccine.

Meningococcal B*

You may satisfy the meningococcal B requirement in either of the following ways:

By vaccine:

  • A 2-or 3-shot series (depending on which vaccine your healthcare provider recommends) of meningococcal B vaccine ages of 16 through 23. There are two vaccine choices, Bexsero and Trumenba. Bexsero is a two-dose series, given one month apart. Trumenba is either a two-dose series six months apart or three-dose series (one dose at 0, 1-2, and 6 months.). The Trumenba 2-dose series provides adequate coverage unless the student is high-risk, in a high-risk setting, or there is an outbreak. We will accept the two-dose Trumenba series as satisfying our requirements, but in the event of an outbreak of meningococcal Group B illness, a third dose of Trumenba would be required for full protection. According to the manufacturer, the effectiveness of the two-dose schedule of Trumenba against diverse N meningitidis group B strains has not been confirmed.

By exemption based on age:

  • If you are not yet 16 years old on the first day of class, you are exempt for the time being from this requirement. Once you turn 16, you will need to comply with this requirement.
  • If you are already 24 years old on the first day of class, you are exempt from this requirement. If you turn 24 years old after the formal deadline, you are still required to get this vaccine.

Hepatitis B**

Students who are 18 years of age or younger at the start of their first term at a CSU campus must provide proof of immunization or positive titer against hepatitis B prior to their second quarter. You may satisfy the hepatitis B requirement in either of the following ways:

By vaccine:

  • Three (3) doses of vaccine over a minimum of a 4- to 6-month period (second dose given one month after the first dose, third dose given six months after the first dose), according to CA Health & Safety Code, Sec. 120390.5.

By titer:

  • A titer is a blood test checking for antibodies.
  • If your titer results do not show evidence of immunity, you may satisfy requirement by vaccine(s) as indicated above
  • Note: when reporting your titer results, remember that "positive" means "positive for immunity" and "negative" means "negative for immunity."

By exemption based on age:

  • If you are already 19 years old on the first day of class, you are exempt from this requirement. If you turn 19 years old after the formal deadline, you are still required to get this vaccine.
  • If you are over 18 years old, the hepatitis B vaccine is still recommended.


Tuberculosis (TB) Screening Requirement

Complete the Tuberculosis Risk Assessment, which can be accessed via the Health and Counseling Portal. This portal is located within your Cal Poly login portal. Once you are in the portal, click on My Forms at the top of the page, and scroll down to the Tuberculosis Risk Assessment Form.

Upon completion of this form, you will receive further instructions.  Based on your responses, you may be asked to complete a TB test with your medical provider and submit documents.

Immunization Recommendations

These additional immunizations are not required, but highly recommended for students to keep our campus and community safe. If these are completed, you may also submit documents via the Health and Counseling Portal. Please note that medical record submissions need to include the patient's full name and date of birth, and name of licensed medical facility or provider.


Recommended Immunizations

Recommended Groups

COVID-19 Regardless of age

Hepatitis A (Hep A)

Regardless of age

Human papillomavirus (HPV)

For women and men through age 26

Influenza (Flu)

Annually regardless of age


For students with certain medical conditions (e.g., severe asthma, diabetes, chronic liver or kidney disease)

Poliovirus (Polio)

Regardless of age, if the series was not completed as a child

Immunizations for international travel

Based on destination

Medical and Religious/Personal Belief Exemptions

Students have the option to provide a Medical Exemption Form or Religious/Personal Belief Exemption in lieu of immunizations records to satisfy the requirement. Completed forms can be scanned and uploaded through the Health and Counseling Portal.

Document Submission

If you are having difficulty accessing the student portal or uploading documents, you may also submit documents via fax or mail. 

Fax: 805-756-5298


Cal Poly State University 

Campus Health & Wellbeing

1 Grand Avenue

San Luis Obispo, CA 93407-0210

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