
Health: 805-756-1211
Counseling: 805-756-2511
Wellbeing: 805-756-6181
Safer: 805-756-2282

Mon-Fri: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM;
Building 27 - Health Center


Please use green or white zones. Pay by Phone or ParkMobile required for green zones. Cal Poly parking permit and Health Services permit (obtained at health center front desk) required for white zones.

Gender-Affirming Care

Gender-affirming care page header Our goal is to ensure that trans, non-binary, and gender expansive students receive the highest quality care that is also affirming, respectful, and supportive

 Call 805-756-1211 and ask for a GAC healthcare provider Call 805-756-2511 for a GAC counselor




Health Services has a wide variety of gender-affirming services, including:

  • Age-appropriate cancer screening (gender-affirming PAP testing)
  • PrEP
  • STI screening
  • Hormone therapy (estrogen-based, testoterone-based, coordination care, and outside referrals)
  • Self-injection teaching

Each person has a different story and may be at a different stage in their transition. We suggest you make an appointment with one of the Gender-Affirming Care Team clinicians. This allows us to get to know you, review your medical history, and work with you to provide the assistance you need.

If you are considering hormone therapy, we strongly recommend viewing the introduction to hormone therapy videos Testosterone-based* or Estrogen-based* before your medical visit to help you identify topics to discuss with your clinician. 

* Videos recorded 2/23/2015 and provided by Dr. Maddie Deutsch, MD, Director of Clinical Services and Assistant Clinical Professor at the University of California, San Francisco's Center of Excellence for Transgender Health.


Crisis Resources



Request For GAC Garments


Counseling and Psychological Services has several therapists who specialize in supporting gender identity exploration and concerns that transgender, non-binary, and gender-expansive students commonly experience. Affirming services we offer include:

Counseling and Psychological Services also provides mental health counseling around a wide range of other concerns including anxiety, depression, disordered eating, trauma, and many other concerns while concurrently providing a gender-affirming space.

Click the image to view the brochure for testosterone based hormone therapyClick this image to view estrogen based hormone therapy brochure





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