Phone: 805-756-2511 (24/7 support available)
Fax:     805-756-6525

8:30 AM - 4:30 PM | M-F
Building 27

Group Therapy

Group Therapy header
Group Therapy is when a group of 8-10 students meet with 1-2 therapists for 60-90 minutes.  We offer a variety of groups including Therapy groups (i.e., support groups, psycho-educational groups, interpersonal process groups) and Drop-In groups.  Some groups are time-limited with a specific focus, while others are broader and open-ended.   

Please see the group descriptions below for more information about groups currently offered at Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS).  If you are interested in a group that is not currently being offered, please email Dr. Paul Carbajal, Groups Coordinator.


Drop in Groups

Drop-in groups are open to all interested students, and do not require a referral or Initial Consultation.  You may attend as many of the drop-in group sessions as you find helpful.   

How do I join a Drop-In Group? 
No pre-scheduling needed.  If the Zoom ID is listed in the drop-in group's description, you may join at the time of the group.  If the Zoom ID is unlisted, please contact the associated facilitator(s).  You will need an active Cal Poly email account to join. 
Drop-In Group Name Facilitator(s) Day Time Start Date

ADHD Support Group 

Isaac Brandt, Ph.D.

Fridays (Virtual)


**Canceled on 3/7, returning on 3/14**

Be Body Positive

Amelia Ramirez, LMFT

Shawna Dobson, LPCC

Wednesday 2:10-3:00pm 1/22, 2/5, 2/19, 3/5
ROOTS (Reclaiming Our Origins Through Self-Exploration: A BIPOC Support Group)

Ana Cabezas, Psy.D. 

Diana Menendez, Psy.D.

Select Wednesdays


Thursday Mindfulness Meditation Practice Isaac Brandt, Ph.D., RYT Thursdays 3:15-3:45pm 1/9
Wise Minds: A DBT Life Skills Group

Sarah Colwell, Psy.D.

Fridays (Virtual) 11:10am-12pm 2/21-3/14

Therapy Groups

How do I join a Therapy Group? 
If you are a current client, please speak to your current therapist about joining a group. 

If you are not a current client, please call to schedule a brief "Screening" appointment and mention your interest in joining a group to the therapist.  Call us at 805-756-2511 today to get started.

If the group you are interested in is still accepting new members and follows your recommended treatment plan, the therapist will advise you to schedule a “Group Screening" appointment, a 20-30 minute meeting with the relevant group facilitator to further answer any specific questions you may have about the group and to ensure that the group is the right fit. 

Therapy Group Name Facilitator(s) Day Time Location Start Date
Autistic Student Support Group Jennifer Armstrong, Psy.D.
Cheri Love, MS
Friday TBD, between 10am and 3pm Virtual 01/24/25
Chronic Illness Support Group Sarah Colwell, Psy.D.  Wednesday 3:00-4:30pm Virtual 01/29/25

Connecting with Self & Others 

Shala Cole, Psy.D.

Allison Parker, LMFT

Wednesday 1:10-2:40pm CAPS 01/22/25
Connecting with Self & Others

Paul Carbajal, Psy.D.

Diana Menendez, Psy.D.

Friday 1:10-2:40pm CAPS 01/17/25
Eating Disorders Treatment Support Group

Alison Aylward, Ph.D.

Shawna Dobson, LPCC

Monday 1:10-2:00pm CAPS TBD

Female-Identified Survivors of Sexual Assault Group

Courtney de Blieck, Psy.D. 

Ana Cabezas, Psy.D. 

Friday 1:10-2:40pm CAPS TBD

Grief Group 

Becca Gillis, Psy.D.

Johneen Manno, LPCC

Improv Therapy Group Sarah Colwell, Psy.D.
Shala Cole, Psy.D.
Tuesday 10:10-11:40am Virtual 01/21/25

LGBTQIA2S+ Support Group

Paloma Moran, Psy.D.

Becca Gillis, Psy.D. 



Men's Group

Ryan Shurson, LMFT

Ben Campos, LMFT

Wednesday 1:10-2:40pm CAPS TBD

Romantic Relationships

Amber Clemmons-Trigueros, LMFT

Mayra Lopez, LCSW

Tuesdays 1:10-3:00pm CAPS TBD
Trans/Non-Binary Student Support

Paloma Moran, Psy.D.

Becca Gillis, Psy.D.

Soul Collage

Cheri Love, MS



Group Descriptions   

ADHD Support Group 

This drop-in group is hosted by CAPS.  Students with a current or potential diagnosis of ADHD are welcome to give and get support around the impact of this diagnosis on daily functioning.  Please email Dr. Isaac Brandt with additional questions or for more information. Please access the Zoom Meeting ID at the designated time.

Autistic Student Support Group

This Zoom group is for anyone who even thinks they might be Autistic, identifies as Autistic, and/or has been diagnosed with Autism. Do you feel exhausted, overwhelmed, different, and/or isolated? Do you have thoughts of "something is wrong with me,” “I’m not good enough,” or “I’m not Autistic enough”? Do you struggle to navigate neurotypical social situations and structures? Have you tried therapy and continue to struggle? Do you want a place to connect with others similar to yourself and get support? If your answer is yes to any of those questions, we hope you join us. 

Group is founded on the neurodivergent affirming paradigm and intersectionality of identities, seeking to understand differences, connect, celebrate strengths, and support challenges. Group is semi-structured, with a topic/activity each group session, and time for discussion and connection. Topics include sharing interests, Autistic burnout, sensory needs, masking and unmasking, social, and self-disclosure and self-advocacy. 

The group is intentionally structured to flexibly meet your needs by centering your care of yourself, your communication/interaction preferences (e.g., options to move and stim, stay silent, communicate via chat or verbally, have camera off/on), and disability universal design and accommodations. There are no expectations for tasks outside of group.

*Please e-mail (e-mail is not a secure form of communication) if you need a disability accommodation to schedule a screening (i.e., rather than scheduling by calling, walking in, or using Zoom on Let’s Talk – note: the “Anything & Everything” version is particularly inclusive). 

Be Body Positive

The Be Body Positive Model was developed to teach people how to overcome conflicts with their bodies to lead happier, more productive lives. It is a solution-focused, whole-person model that offers positive messages of hope and freedom, and provides an alternative to the mainstream weight-focused health model that most individuals are taught. The goal is for people to gather information from a place of trusting their own intuitive wisdom in order to develop balanced and lasting self-care practices so they can focus on the parts of life that have purpose and meaning. The content of the group is influenced by the 5 Core Competencies developed by The Body Positive ( Reclaim Health; Practice Intuitive Self-Care; Cultivate Self-Love; Declare Your Own Authentic Beauty; and Build Community.

Contact facilitators Amelia Ramirez, LMFT ( or Shawna Dobson, LPCC ( regarding any questions.

Please access the Zoom Room at the designated time via:

Check out our Winter 2025 Flier for more information! 

Chronic Illness Support Group

Living with a chronic illness requires a level of self-care and resilience that able-bodied people can’t really understand. Connecting with other chronically ill people can be a haven for many of us – being with other people who just get it can help us let our shields down and be honest about what we experience. In this group we will connect, support, and celebrate. If you have questions, you can call 805-756-2511 or if you're comfortable with non-confidential email you can email Dr. Colwell (she/they) at

Connecting with Self and Others

This therapy group is designed for students who struggle in relating with others and for those who want to better understand themselves in the context of their relationships. Relationship is used as a general term and includes: romantic, familial, friends, roommates, classmates, coworkers, professors etc. Members of this group will benefit from the interactive nature of the group. Members have the opportunity to share and receive feedback and practice new ways of connecting with themselves and others within the context of a safe environment.  

Eating Disorders Treatment Support Group

The Eating Disorders Support Group is a space for individuals who struggle with disordered eating to connect with individuals who share similar struggles. The group is meant to provide emotional support to individuals on their treatment and recovery journey as well as skills to help manage difficult thoughts, emotions, and urges. Group is open to new members at any time and will continue in an ongoing manner. Students are expected to have an established treatment team in place as well. Interested members can speak with their counselor or can contact Shawna Dobson or Alison Aylward at CAPS (805-756-2511) for more information. 

Female-Identified Survivors of Sexual Trauma Support Group

This is a support group for female-identified survivors of sexual trauma, including rape, sexual assault, abuse, exploitation, harassment, etc. The focus of the group will be on providing support to group members, normalizing their experiences, and exploring ways of building positive self-esteem and healthy coping mechanisms.  Contact your primary therapist, Dr. de Blieck by email or Dr. Cabezas by email, if interested in participating. 

Grief Group 

This is a semi-structured therapy group for all undergraduate and graduate students who have experienced the loss of a loved one through death. The loss can be past or recent and involve anyone who was close to the student (e.g., family member, partner, friend, etc.). The first part of each group session focuses on strategies and activities to allow students to better manage and process their grief, while the second part is dedicated to group discussion of how to implement these strategies.  While this group is open to all students who have lost a loved one, it is especially tailored to students who feel that their loss was traumatic or is interfering with their functioning. *A support group for pet loss can be found through SLO Hospice*.

Improv Therapy Group

We believe in the power of laughter. We believe in using “yes, and” to make sure every voice in the ensemble is heard and supported. We embrace imperfection while we strive to be present in the moment. Improv Therapy Group is for people who get stuck in their heads, that feel pressure to be perfect, who have difficulty allowing themselves to be silly and authentic in the moment. Folks with social anxiety, anxiety, and depression are highly encouraged to try this out-of-the-box therapy technique that teaches you by doing (see what we did there). Please feel free to contact Dr. Sarah Colwell ( or Dr. Shala Cole ( with questions.

Learn more about the benefits of Improv!

LGBTQIA2S+ Support Group

This group is designed to serve as a safe space in which students whom identify as LGBTQIA2S+ are able to discuss specific concerns directly or tangentially related to their identities. Group is primarily support based, including some process components. Group discussion is based on student needs, with some topics created by co-leaders to encourage discussion. Previous topics have included: coming out and being out (family, friends, academically, in the workforce), dating at Cal Poly, intersections of identities, and media/social representations of LGBTQIA2S+ individuals.  

Men's Group

Men's Group is a supportive and confidential space where male-identified students can come together to discuss and explore issues related to their mental health, personal development, relationships, and societal expectations. The group is designed to provide a safe environment for men to normalize seeking and receiving support with shared experiences, challenges, and feelings with others who may be going through similar situations.

Romantic Relationships

This group is designed for those who are distressed about a current or recent romantic relationship.  It is meant to provide support for the painful, confusing, or frustrating emotions that arise from a difficult romantic relationship or recent breakup.  This group is also meant to help participants gain more insight into the factors contributing to these difficulties so they may move towards more fulfilling romantic relationships in the future.  Students will also have the opportunity to provide one another with interpersonal feedback. 

ROOTS (Reclaiming Our Origins Through Self-Exploration: A BIPOC Support Group)

A drop-in space for BIPOC students to explore their intersecting identities and gain support through shared stories in the current political climate. Students will gain support through building community and fostering resilience. Each session will start with a reflection exercise followed by exploration through group dialogue.

Winter Quarter 2025, ROOTS will be meeting in Buliding 52, Room E29.

Soul Collage

"A Crafty way to Connect with Yourself"
Create small collages made from found images to foster self-awareness, discover your inner wisdom, and cultivate your own healing. Attend one session or multiple to deepen your learning. No art experience necessary!

Thursday Mindfulness Meditation Practice

Where: Campus Health & Wellbeing (CH&W): Front Lawn (adjacent to the rock climbing wall)

Welcome to Mindfulness Meditation Practice. Join Isaac Brandt, PhD, RYT, Thursdays from 3:15-3:45pm on the Campus Health & Wellbeing Lawn - there will be a 30-minute guided practice for any and all students to engage with outside (weather cooperating). Come practice as a beginner or seasoned meditator and drop-in with fellow students to a practice of allowing your mind to follow your breath and some basic mindful meditation practice.

Trans/Non-Binary Student Support Group

An affirming, supportive, space for transgender, non-binary, gender-expansive, and gender questioning students to connect with, and receive support from, other students with similar lived experiences.

Wise Minds: A DBT Life Skills Group 

Do you ever feel overwhelmed or confused about what you are feeling and why? Have you noticed you’re not feeling as present in your life and are not enjoying things as much as you used to? Is it hard for you to recognize your needs or share your needs with others? Then Wise Minds: A DBT Life Skills Group may be right for you!

Drop-in to any topic week that interests you. Each meeting is 50 minutes and this is a camera-on, participatory group. For more info email Dr. Sarah Colwell (she/they) at

  • Getting Present (2/21 at 11:10 AM) – Do you feel like you are constantly in autopilot? Is it difficult to connect meaningfully to the moment when you’re feeling stressed? Learn the Wise Mind Skill of Mindfulness and how it can help enhance your relationship with yourself and your world.   
  • Calming the Overwhelm (2/28 at 11:10 AM) – Are your typical coping strategies of calming your overwhelm or big feelings not working reliably anymore. Learn the Wise Mind Skill of Distress Tolerance to help you soothe yourself when it all feels like too much.   
  • Understanding your Emotions (3/7 at 11:10 AM) – Are emotions uncomfortable or confusing to you? Learn the Wise Mind Skill of Emotional Regulation to learn how to use your emotions as a helpful guide as you navigate your current circumstances.   
  • Building Healthy Relationships (3/14 at 11:10 AM) CANCELLED Is it hard for you to express yourself and your boundaries with other people? Learn the Wise Mind Skill of Interpersonal Effectiveness to enhance your ability to communicate who you are and what you need to others.   

Please access the Zoom Meeting ID at the designated time. And please access worksheets for group here: Wise Minds Drop-in Group Worksheets.


Group Satisfaction Survey  Please take a moment and share your experience in group(s) with us!  The survey takes between 3-5 minutes, and is used to update and adapt our group offerings to best meet the needs of students.  Thank you for your feedback!

Follow this link, or use this QR Code:



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