
Join the Safer Team!

NOTE: A prerequisite for volunteering, interning, or working with Safer is our quarterly Safer Leadership Training - click here to learn more. This training can be completed prior to applying, or even during your first quarter working with us!

Join the safer team

Position Opportunities

Volunteer Positions

Once you have been through our Safer Leadership training, you are eligible to become a Safer volunteer! Volunteers are expected to attend monthly in-service meetings and volunteer 5 hours/quarter. Tasks include, but are not limited to:

  • Assist with Awareness & Prevention Month development & implementation
  • Administrative tasks such as helping file papers, boothing at events, etc.
  • Conduct research on various topics 
  • Take on a passion project of your own, with staff guidance!

Volunteer recruitment is quarterly during the academic year; just sign up for Safer Leadership Training and you will be in the volunteer pool after completion!


  • Internships are unpaid 2-3 quarter positions, and they are expected to donate approximately 6-8 hours per week.
  • Interns can receive class credit, or simply for personal professional development.
  • Positions available in Prevention Education (2), Survivor Wellness (1), Marketing & Communications (1), and Events & Outreach (2)

Internship recruitment takes place annually, every spring quarter, for the upcoming academic year.

Lead Student Assistant Positions

  • Lead Student Assistants are paid year-long positions, and they are expected to work approximately 10-12 hours per week.
  • They lead a team of interns and have more responsibilities - such as leading meetings, delegating tasks, and ensuring the vision of the programming meets our broader goals.
  • Positions available in Prevention Education (1), Survivor Wellness (1), Marketing & Communications (1), and Events & Outreach (1)

Lead student assistant recruitment takes place annually, every spring quarter, for the upcoming academic year.

Graduate Assistantships

Students in graduate programs at Cal Poly can apply for a graduate assistantship! The graduate assistant works 15-20 hours/week, and closely with leads, interns, and volunteers, as well as providing support wherever needed. 

  • Serve to support and supervise the Events & Outreach Student Assistant, Survivor Wellness Student Assistant, and Safer’s volunteer team. This includes leading weekly Safer staff meetings, leading monthly in-service meetings, and creating ongoing opportunities for students to stay involved
  • Provide administrative support in the Safer office

Graduate Assistant recruitment takes place annually, typically during spring/fall quarters, for that academic year.

Safer Teams

Safer is further organized by 4 student-led teams, with a total of 10 students on the team:

Prevention Education (1 Lead, 2 Interns)

  • Present general Safer educational materials to the campus and local community
  • Ensure that the messaging of Safer presentations is consistent with our mission & vision for violence prevention, and up-to-date with current Public Health recommendations
  • Offer presentations/workshops/discussions to classrooms, clubs, and organizations
  • Develop relationships with key campus partners
  • Integrate prevention best practices into awareness curriculum

Survivor Wellness (1 Lead, 1 Intern)

  • Create and implement programs catered to the long-term needs of survivors of gender- and power-based violence
  • Author the monthly Safer Sun survivor newsletter
  • Assist professional staff with the creation of crisis response materials
  • Organize and plan our annual capstone event, Take Back the Night

Events & Outreach (1 Lead, 2 Interns)

  • Plan and execute all Awareness & Prevention Months (APM), including: Domestic Violence APM in October, Stalking APM in January & Sexual Assault APM in April
  • Work collaboratively with Marketing & Communications team event marketing and advertising

Marketing & Communications (1 Lead, 1 Intern)

  • Manage various social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, etc.
  • Develop & send out monthly newsletters to the general campus community & faculty/staff lists
  • Work closely with the Events & Outreach Team to create content to advertise events
  • Develop general marketing material for program

Benefits of Working at Safer

  • Be at the forefront of social justice & culture change at Cal Poly  
  • Hands-on experience with public health & community organizing 
  • Professional staff supervisors may provide references or write letters of recommendation for future job opportunities, graduate school, etc. 
  • This position may fulfill internship requirements for various majors

How to Apply

We recruit new interns, leads, and graduate students once each academic year.
We are currently hiring for INTERNS & LEADS!

Steps to Apply

  1. Download our fillable PDF application, linked here.
  2. Fully complete the application. Make sure your PDF saves properly and your answers are readable. If you have any questions about the application, feel free to ask! Be sure to highlight the unique skills and experiences you could bring to our team.
  3. Update your resume. Make sure it is in chronological order - start with your most recent experience and work backward. One page is sufficient - we're just looking for a snapshot, and will learn more about you in your application and potential interview! Cal Poly Career Services has some great resources for writing a resume and cover letter if you need help.
  4. Once you're ready to submit your application, send an email titled "Safer Student Staff Application" to Jennifer at jmacmart@calpoly.edu by the deadline listed above.
  5. We will reach back out to you within the next couple of weeks - whether we want to bring you in for an interview or not. Either way, we will be in contact! If, for whatever reason, we have not gotten back to you, you can always email us to check-in.

Spring 2021 Recruitment & Hiring Timeline

  • March 29 | Recruitment begins for entire team (both paid leads and unpaid interns) 
  • April 30 | Applications due at 5pm 
  • May 3-7 | Applications reviewed by professional staff; interview questions are sent in advance to applicants
  • May 10-21 | Individual interviews conducted 
  • May 24-28 | Team selection for 2021-2022 academic year

Application & Interview Tips

  • Remember: We're rooting for you! We are not eager to make this a stressful experience - for anyone. Applications and interviews should be exciting and empowering, and we hope to reflect that throughout our process. Whether or not you receive a job offer, we hope the experience is a net positive.
  • We will send the interview questions to you in advance, to allow you some time to prepare your thoughts. We're eager to hear your passion areas, your experience, and your strengths - and we don't find that "gotcha" interview questions lend themselves to that.
  • Interviews are bidirectional. They're a chance for us to get to know you - and you to get to know us! Feel free to bring questions along that you have about us - our program, our philosophy, our backgrounds. We want to make sure that you working at Safer is a good fit for both of us.
  • Career Services also has a great toolkit for interview preparation - peruse as you have time!

If you have any questions about job descriptions, applications, interviews, or hiring - please feel free to reach out to the team anytime through our general email at safer@calpoly.edu.

Thank you for your interest in joining our team, and for your passion in ending gender- & power-based violence!

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