
People with Disabilities

Campus Resources

Disability Resource Center 

  • The DRC cultivates an accessible and inclusive community where students with permanent and temporary disabilities have an equal opportunity to participate in all aspects of campus life 

National Resources

Abused Deaf Women’s Advocacy Service 

  • Offers services and resources to Deaf and DeafBlind survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault and harassment. Video Phone: 1.855.812.1001. AIM: DeafHotline


  • Provides services to Deaf survivors of domestic and sexual violence, including peer counseling, support groups, systems advocacy to access community resources, and referral and case management with other service providers. AIM: DeafHotline Email:nationaldeafhotline@adwas.org Video Phone: 855.812.1001

Additional Resources

VAWNet – Deaf Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence

  • While limited research exists regarding the prevalence of domestic and sexual violence within the Deaf community, it is known that Deaf individuals experience violence at significant rates. The need for further research is clear, as well as the need for enhanced services and supports to meet the unique needs of Deaf survivors.

CALCASA – Supporting Sexual Assault Survivors with Disabilities

  • Survivors of sexual violence with disabilities live in every community and can benefit from the full range of sexual assault services. However, many abuse survivors with disabilities in our communities do not know about services or how to get help when they are sexually assaulted. This training manual details how a support for survivors can be provided and improved. 

National Council on Disability Report - Not on the Radar: Sexual Assault of College Students with Disabilities (2018)

  • "This report is the first to examine how the needs of sexual assault victims with disabilities are included in college policies and procedures and to make recommendations to Congress, federal agencies, and colleges for improvement."

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