
Request a Workshop

Thank you for your interest in a Safer training. We are so grateful for campus-wide partnerships that allow us to engage students, staff, and faculty in the movement to end violence.  

Safer is committed to reaching the entirety of our campus community - we firmly believe that gender- & power-based violence prevention intersects with all academic disciplines, professional environments, social justice movements, and more. To build an anti-violent culture is to build an equitable culture - and we all benefit from that.

You may use the form below to submit a request for the following: 

  • Live presentation/workshop (in-person or Zoom)
  • Recorded presentation/workshop 
  • Safer representative for a panel event you are hosting
  • Recorded phone video for IGTV 
  • IG Live interview/dialogue participation

**Please allow at least 2 weeks between submitted request and proposed presentation date. Exceptions may be made under special circumstances. Thank you for understanding.** 

If you have any questions about this form, or what Safer can offer, please email Jennifer MacMartin, our Prevention Specialist for Gender-Based Violence Initiatives, at jmacmart@calpoly.edu.

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