
Faculty & Staff Resources

We are always looking for new ways to partner with and collaborate with departments and programs across campus. Safer is here to support our entire campus community, by facilitating the intersection of gender- & power-based violence prevention work with all other disciplines on campus. 

On our site you will find the following resources:

  • How to Support Student Survivors
    • Resources for responding to disclosures, resources to provide, guidance for accommodations, and prevention tactics.
  • Syllabus Statements
    • Pre-prepared language for adding to your syllabi about gender- & power-based violence campus policies, confidentiality, and resources.
  • Training Hub
    • Pre-recorded webinars, one-sheets, facilitation toolkits, etc - become a leader on campus with these free tools!
  • Mandated Reporting
    • Learn about your requirements and obligations as a Cal Poly staff/faculty, Clery crime reporting, and more.

Interested in getting more involved? 

  • Sign up for our monthly Faculty & Staff Newsletter, featuring current events, resources, Safer engagement opportunities, professional wellness resources, and more!
  • Schedule a presentation for your classroom, department, faculty/staff association, or organization
  • Schedule a 1:1 consultation with our Prevention Specialist - let's brainstorm together how you can make your classroom/department/college more trauma-informed, survivor-centered, and prevention focused!
  • Join the interest list for our Faculty & Staff Safer Leadership Training by emailing our Prevention Specialist

Remember: Safer is a resource available to all survivors & their loved ones at Cal Poly - and that includes faculty & staff!

If you yourself are experiencing (or have experienced) sexual assault, dating or domestic violence, harassment, exploitation, and/or stalking, all of the services listed under the "Getting Help" page apply to faculty and staff as well. 

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