
For Supporters & Parents

While you should be extremely excited that your student is attending one of the best public universities in the nation, Cal Poly does face similar challenges as other universities regarding gender- & power-based violence. As Cal Poly's primary confidential resource for sexual assault, intimate partner violence and stalking, Safer is committed to educating students, faculty, and staff members in order to create a proactive community committed to ending violence.

Professional staff at Safer are all California State-Certified Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Counselors, trained to provide your student with confidential, short-term crisis counseling, emotional support and serve as their advocate on in all university, medical and law enforcement processes.

Talking with your student

Having a conversation with your student regarding sexual assault, relationship violence and stalking can be difficult, but we hope that you can use the tips below, as well as information on our website, as a resource to start the conversation. If you have any questions or would like more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

  • Encourage open conversations around relationships, sex, communication, boundaries, etc. Model those behaviors for your student, and be open to them asking questions.
  • Be open to talking about difficult subjects like sexual assault, intimate partner violence, body image and mental health issues. Let your student know that you are open to talking with them. Listen to what they have to say and withhold judgment.
  • If something does happens to your child, recognize that it is NEVER their fault. It does not matter how much they have had to drink and it does not matter what they were wearing. It does not matter where they were. The only person at fault is the perpetrator. Placing blame, even unintentionally, on your student could hinder their healing process and may result in them not talking to you in the future.

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