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Self Help Tools Page Header

Welltrack Boost Logo

Cal Poly has partnered with Welltrack Boost to provide an evidence-based self-help app for students to use any time of day. The app utilizes cognitive-behavioral therapy approaches to address thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that are impacting a student's mood, relationships, and academics.

Take the assessment, or try out a course on topics like Anxiety, Depression, Resilience, or Public Speaking. Use customizable mindfulness tools to engage in meditations or reflective activities. Track your moods, and see trends over time to help you hone your mental health and support your wellbeing.

Click here to login with your Cal Poly email and start your Welltrack Boost experience today!


More Apps

Anxiety Management

Fear Tools Anxiety Aid phone app icon

FearTools - Anxiety Aid 

This app is evidence-based and designed to aid in combating anxiety. Tools include thought journaling and reframing, exposure techniques, relaxation techniques, and includes an anxiety self-report measure.


Mind Shift CBT Anxiety Relief phone app icon


MindShift includes practices to help you relax, activities that encourage you to develop more beneficial ways of thinking, coping strategies around anxiety experiences, and anxiety checklists around certain situations (e.g., test anxiety, social fears, and letting go of perfectionism).



Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder

Productive Habit Tracker ADHD phone app icon

Productive Habit Tracker 

This customizable app helps you build a routine of positive habits by setting personal goals, tracking your progress, and providing reminders when you need to complete something.



Disordered Eating

Recovery Road Eating Disorder Management phone app icon

Recovery Record: Eating Disorder Management

This app is intended to aid in the recovery process of an eating disorder, but can also be used if you have body image concerns. This app allows you to record meals, access body-related affirmations, track your process, and customize meal plans and coping tactics. This app can also send progress information to your health providers.



Maintaining Safety & Sexual Assault Recovery

DoD Safe Helpline for sexual assault recovery phone app icon

DoD Safe Helpline

Originally designed for individuals in the military, this app provides tools and support to help individuals manage the short and long-term effects of sexual assault. There is also a feature where users can chat in the Safe HelpRoom with other survivors.



Mood Management

CBT Guide to Depression Self-help phone app icon

CBT Guide to Depression Self-Help

App includes audio information about depressive symptoms, a depressive symptoms tracker, a cognitive diary, and relaxation and calming exercises.


Mood Tools Depression Aid phone app icon

MoodTools – Depression Aid

This app was designed for individuals with depressive symptoms, but can be used by everyone. It includes information about depression, activities to help combat depressive symptoms, a thought diary, and a symptoms tracker.

iOS Android
T2 Virtual Hope Box for coping and relaxation phone app icon

T2 Virtual Hope Box

The Virtual Hope Box provides simple tools to help individuals with coping, relaxation, distraction, and positive thinking. It can be customized with personal pictures, favorite quotes, music, videos of friends, and more.


Non-Suicidal Self-Injury/Self-Harm

Calm Harm for self-injury recovery DBT phone app icon

Calm Harm

This app was created based on the principles of Dialectic Behavior Therapy (DBT). It helps in self-harm recovery by providing tools that “distract,” that implement “comfort” instead of harm, that will help you “express yourself,” and that provide “safe alternatives to self-harm.

iOS Android
 Self Harm Tracker phone app icon

Calm Urge: Self Harm Tracker 

Calm Urge provides support to help you engage in other activities when the urge to self-harm occurs. With a range of activities and tools, you can keep track of your emotions and worries and develop new coping mechanisms to help you stay calm and in control.

iOS Android

Sleep Aids

Calm Harm for self-injury recovery DBT phone app icon

Rain Rain Sleep Sounds

Dozens of sleep sounds are available and you can tailor them to make your own sleep soundtrack. This app is helpful if you have trouble relaxing before falling asleep.

iOS Android
Sleep Cycle Alarm for sleep aid phone app icon

Sleep Cycle Alarm

This intelligent alarm tracks your sleep and wakes you during your lightest sleep cycle which aids you in feeling refreshed upon waking.

iOS  Android

Stress Management / Relaxation

Calm for meditation and relaxation phone app icon

Calm – Meditate, Sleep, Relax

App includes programs to teach you how to meditate through guided imagery and relaxation exercises that aim to lower stress, lessen anxiety, and improve sleep.

iOS Android
Fitness Builder phone app icon


Physical activity has been shown to have positive effects on psychological wellbeing and this app provides helpful exercise tips, workout videos and charts, and an exercise tracker.

Headspace Meditation and Sleep phone app icon

Headspace: Meditation & Sleep

This app provides a training program that aims to reduce anxiety and build self-compassion utilizing mindfulness and meditative practices in “bite-size” pieces to accommodate a busy life.

iOS Android
Smiling Mind mindful wellness practices phone app icon

Smiling Mind

Mindfulness meditation made easy with this app which provides imaginative wellness practices for different age group and also includes a feeling tracker.

iOS Android

Suicide Prevention *in the event of an emergency, always call 911*

A Friend Asks Jason Foundation suicide prevention phone app icon

A Friend Asks - Jason Foundation

This app provides information, tools, and resources to help a friend (or yourself) who may be experiencing suicidal thoughts. The app contains information such as warning signs, Dos and Don’ts, and what to do to get help. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is also one click away.


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