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Building 27

Self- Assessment: Do I have a substance use problem?

J. D. Muth © 2009--Photo taken March 10, 2009 on Sulphur Mountain, in Upper Ojai.

​Take an AlcoholEdu self-assessment: select the green "Add a Course" button on the top right corner of the screen.

  1. Do most or all of your social activities include drinking, smoking marijuana or using drugs?
  2. Have you had regrets about your behavior after drinking or using?
  3. Do you drink or use more than you used to to get the same effect?
  4. Have you ever forgotten all or part of an evening after drinking?
  5. Have you ever missed homework, a class or done poorly on a test because of drinking or using?
  6. Have you ever had personal, legal or financial problems related to drinking or using but didn’t alter you use patterns?
  7. Do you have any family members with an alcohol or other drug problem?
  8. Have you ever tried to stop or cut down but weren’t always successful?

If you answered yes to two or more questions, you may be developing unhealthy drinking or substance use habits. It may be helpful for you to talk to a peer or professional counselor.





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