Phone: 805-756-2511 (24/7 support available)
Fax:     805-756-6525

8:30 AM - 4:30 PM | M-F
Building 27


Urgent and Same Day Services

We are committed to supporting student mental health while also responding to the current global pandemic and prioritizing health and safety for students and employees. To this end, Counseling Services is currently offering all services remotely by phone and HIPAA-compliant Zoom.  

(805) 756-2511 (24-7 crisis line) 


Many of our services are available within a few days, but if you need to talk to someone more urgently, reach out!  Call our crisis line anytime to speak with a counselor, get support, and make a plan for next steps.   


When should I call the crisis line? 

  1. You may be thinking about suicide, or injuring yourself or someone else. 
  2. You may be experiencing a panic attack and unsure what to do. 
  3. You may be the target of stalking, abuse, or assault. 
  4. You are unable to take care of your basic needs – eating, sleeping, bathing. 
  5. You may have experienced a traumatic event like a hate crime or a car accident. 
  6. You are worried about a friend and don't know how to support them, or they have disclosed information to you that you don't know how to handle. 
  7. You are experiencing distress and need to talk to a professional to sort out what your options are. 


At Cal Poly Counseling Services: 

  • Call us at 805.756.2511 and tell the front desk that you need to speak to a counselor urgently. Afterhours, follow the prompts to select option 2 to speak with a counselor. 
  • Come to our office (Building 27 - weekdays 8-4:30) and let the front desk know you need to speak to a counselor urgently.  Most of our services are provided remotely via HIPAA-compliant zoom or phone, but we have space on site you can be that is safe and private for this appointment. 


Local and National Services – available 24/7: 


If you or someone you know is an imminent danger to themselves or someone else, go to the nearest ER


Dignity Health: French Hospital Medical Center 
(805) 542-6378 
1911 Johnson Ave 
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 


Sierra Vista Regional Medical Center 
(805) 546-7600 
1010 Murray Ave 
San Luis Obispo, CA 93405 



San Luis Obispo County Mental Health Services 
(800) 838-1381 
2178 Johnson Ave 
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 


Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital 
Center for Psychiatry and Behavioral Health 
(805) 569-8339 
400 W. Pueblo Street 
Santa Barbara, CA 93105 

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