Phone: 805-756-2511 (24/7 support available)
Fax:     805-756-6525

8:30 AM - 4:30 PM | M-F
Building 27

When Injustice Happens


The CH&W Solidarity Statement provides the framework that guides our responses to injustice and highlights our commitment to take meaningful, culturally responsive action. Additionally, as mental health professionals, our ethical codes guide us to pursue justice, value the dignity and worth of every human, and to commit ourselves to the embodiment of diversity, inclusion, cultivation of cultural humility, and advocacy for equity for all. As events and injustices happen, whether in San Luis Obispo or around the world, we'll respond to them as an acknowledgment of our awareness, a commitment to supporting those impacted, and as a reminder that there is more work to do to make the world a more just and equitable place.

We hope to stand next to you, our students, when you or your community experiences injustice. We are aware that every person's needs are unique and that you already have systems of support in place and coping mechanisms that you are using. We don’t presume to suggest we can fix your justifiable pain in moments of violence and oppression, but we are here to listen and come alongside you. Our goal is to collaborate with you to provide care that feels responsive to your unique needs.

Our responsive services have included (but are not limited to):

  • Urgent/same day services
  • Group support spaces
  • Let’s Talk, a confidential, drop-in, one-on-one informal consultation
  • Consultations with faculty/staff/student leaders
  • Speaking at student group meetings or classrooms when invited
  • Joining other departments on campus or student groups in their events related to the injustice/community trauma.

Please reach out to us by email or by our outreach request form.

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